Bucking the Trend

Beat the Kitchen trend with these four kitchen hacks

Interior design trends, like fashion, seemingly change every season. But that doesn’t mean that you have to change your kitchen every year, which, let’s face it, would be impractical, to say the least. So what can you do to ensure your kitchen stands the test of time, regardless of the season? Firstly, don’t worry, there are certain things that every kitchen should have, whether it’s a pantry to keep food fresh and out of the way or that kitchen island that can double up as a workstation. We’ve put together some of the best and trend busting items for you and your kitchen.

Slow cooker 

Let’s start with one thing that you can pick up whilst you are out shopping. The wonderful, evergreen, Slow cooker. Remember the times when you came from school and could smell the dinner floating down the street. The warm, safe smell of your mum’s slow cooker. Well, it’s time to embrace them once again. Slow Cookers are making a well-deserved comeback and should absolutely be a part of your kitchen arsenal. From cooking a chilli to a chicken noodle curry, the range of uses for a crockpot is unreal. The heating mechanism on the new modern slow cookers has moved away from the classic high or low, which gave you the choice of four hours cooking time or eight hours cooking time. Now you can choose your heat and time, allowing you complete control over the meal. The best thing about a slow cooker is the lid traps the moisture, meaning you can create tender, juicy meals from cheaper cuts of meat. The slow cooker is a time and money saver, and no kitchen should be without one. 

Kitchen Island

Where to store that slow cooker when it’s not in use? The wonderful, brilliant, kitchen Island, is another absolute must-have for all your kitchen and something that will always be in vogue. Not only can they be used for storage, a place to entertain and socialise, but they also make a fantastic work desk. Whether you have a kitchen island or a freestanding table, both can be easily repurposed to become a home desk. They are already highly versatile with a plethora of drawers and nooks normally used for cutlery and plates, pots and pans. But consider using a drawer for your laptop and notebook, and you have somewhere you can store your work tech when not using it, and a large enough work surface when you do. 

Kitchen Pantry

American chef Jon Bastianich once said ‘Your pantry is your first line of defence against foodborne illness and things like high blood pressure and cholesterol.’ What’s great about a pantry is it doesn’t even have to be in the kitchen. You could use that cupboard under the stairs, the one where you hoard all the stuff you should have thrown out, or repurpose a bookshelf for a ready to go pantry. If you haven’t got the space, then you can still have a pantry by using a pull out drawer or hanging shelves. If you’re tall enough then putting pasta in mason jars and storing it in the unused space above kitchen cabinets is always a winner. 

Colour schemes

People will tell you that colour schemes and patterns change every year. And they are mostly right. But there is one colour scheme that will never go out of fashion. Natural tones. Whatever natural tones you care for. Greens and browns for the wooded glen or blues, whites and greys for that seaside feel, these are classic kitchen colour schemes that work year after year, season after season and require practically no upkeep. 

Kitchen trends will always change, it’s the nature of the business, and if you find yourself wanting to stay up to date, or feel your kitchen is a little dated, then why not visit one of our showrooms and talk to our expert kitchen designers. If you’d rather buck the trend, then the four ideas above will keep your kitchen fresh and fun, no matter the season.